Tuesday, April 24, 2012

24 hours

It's been twenty four hours since our arrival here at the hospital. I'd forgotten the lack of sleep you collect. The familiar sounds of the hospital - monitors humming, oxygen water bubbling, voices, carts, and beeping - all do nothing in way of inducing sleep. But it is the best place for our sweet girl.

She rested a little, whined a bit, and drank a few bottles. She even nursed once and I was so grateful.

We also had a visit from Mylah's Aunt Jessica and her cousins Jakob, Mason, and Hannah. They brought her an adorable pink bear, a balloon, a card, and even dinner for Neil and I. We are so blessed to have family who love us, support us, and to take care of us.

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Mylah has just spent the day resting and letting her body prepare for the surgery. She has been a trooper and endured it well. We love her and are thankful for your thoughts, comments, and prayers.



  1. Hi! My daughter Hannah came home today from her repair on the 19th. She is strong--just like your Mylah. Her strength kept me going just as Mylah's will for you. Tonight I am humbled to hold Hannah in my arms and know that she is so much healthier than a week ago. I know Mylah will soar through this and I pray that your heart beats for hers during surgery to keep her comforted. Hang in there, mama, it will be worth it to see pretty Mylah with rosy cheeks and lips!

    1. Thanks so much for reading Mylah's blog. She will do well, we have faith. I am so glad your sweet Hannah is home and doing well. We can't wait for that day! :)

    2. Thanks so much for reading Mylah's blog. She will do well, we have faith. I am so glad your sweet Hannah is home and doing well. We can't wait for that day! :)

  2. I just want you to know that i'm thinking about you guys tonight, as tomorrow gets closer know we are thinking of you and praying for you & sweet Mylah! Please let me know how things go~ Lots of love from home!!

  3. Lol...that's supposed to say resting, not tasting...oops. darn auto correct on my phone! - Lara

  4. Praying for Mylah and your family and the doctors performing her surgery. This experience of yours has touched a deep place in my heart many times. I hope to meet her someday :)



Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...