Sunday, July 1, 2012

9 months old

Mylah Lei is nine months old today! Will someone tell me why nine months of pregnancy lasts SO long, only to have the nine months after fly by?! We are so thankful for her continued good health and that her heart is functioning as it should.

Mylah is getting quite the cute little personality, and is so precious to us. Every moment with her is a blessing and we are grateful to have her here with us!

Here are Mylah's stats:

♥ She weighs 16.5 pounds - we are working on fattening her up, she's just a tiny thing!
♥ She is 28 inches long.
♥ She wears size 3 diapers.
♥ She wears 3 to 6 month clothes, but I have started the 6-9 month and they are a little big.
♥ She eats number 3 foods and whatever else you want to give her.
♥ She still loves to nurse and refuses to take a bottle. Not sure how I will wean her!
♥ She takes two naps a day and goes to bed every night at 7.
♥ She sits up really well and has now started leaning over as far as she can to reach objects and toys, a few times she falls onto her stomach/chest and it terrifies her!
♥ She is not crawling, but loves to stand with assistance.
♥ She says Hi, Mama, Dada, Nana, and Bah-Bah.
♥ She can wave Hi and Bye-Bye if you prompt her enough times.
♥ She still has no teeth.
♥ She has a huge head of hair and it gets longer every month!
♥ She loves to play peek a boo with her blanket.
♥ She still sucks her thumb and only chews on pacifiers.
♥ She puts anything and everything into her mouth.
♥ She loves to feed herself and hates to have be fed by Mommy or Daddy, but sometimes we have to force some fruits and veggies in her mouth. :)
♥ She loves animals and is fascinated by anything that moves.
♥ She finally back to a nightly sleep schedule and only wakes once.
♥ She is such a happy baby and mostly all smiles.
♥She gets a bit of anxiety when you leave her and has a terrifying scream she lets out when she doesn't want to be alone!
♥ She is so smart and is learning things quickly.
We are so blessed by her personality and the joy she brings to our family.

Happy 9 Months Mylah! We love you!

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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...