Monday, October 1, 2012

1 year old


Today is Mylah's 1st Birthday! She's had a pretty good day, other than waking up with a nasty cold. Poor girl. It's hard to believe it's been a year since she was born! We are so blessed to have her in our family and are grateful to our Heavenly Father for keeping her here. We have learned from her to love, endure, and gained a greater testimony of our Heavenly Father's plan for our family. She was meant to be here, meant to have a heart defect, and has taught us so much!


Words cannot describe how special Mylah is to me. Pretty early on in my pregnancy I knew that I would have a special connection with her, and I have. She loves her Mommy! There is something unique about her and I am pretty sure my Father in Heaven was trying to teach me patience, to slow down, to take in the daily moments and to cherish all I'm given. She's smart, energetic, indepedent, determined, loving, sweet, beautiful and silly. We are lucky to have her!


Here are her 12 month/1 year stats:

♥ She weighs 19 pounds.

♥ She is 28 inches long.

♥ She wears 9-12 month clothes, some 6-9 month still depending on the brand.

♥ She wears size 3 diapers still.

♥ Tooth count = 0. She's our first to turn one with no teeth!

♥ She is finally weaned and officially on whole milk!

♥ She loves to eat anything and everything.

♥ She still sucks her thumb and loves her silky blanket!

♥ She is crawling everywhere and standing. She has also mastered standing next to objects that don't have anything to hold onto.

♥ She's not quite scaling the couch or coffee table yet, but she gets brave and tries to move from one to the other. 

♥ She can clap, wave Hi and Bye, sign More and Eat and we are working on Please

♥ She loves to watch Dora, Pocoyo, and Yo Gabba Gabba.

♥ She loves to play with her toys and especially loves stuffed animals. She hugs them and kisses them. It's the cutest!

♥ She loves to play peek-a-boo.

♥ She loves animals, especially dogs and cats. 

♥ She is waking once a night to have a bottle, we are trying to break this habit.

♥ She is a quick learner.

♥ She loves to take things out of my purse or the cupboard or the toy bin and then put them all back in one by one.

♥ She can say Mama, Hi, and Bath.

♥ She loves to dance and try to sing to music. She's got some good musical genes! :)

♥ She shakes her head no and is learning to give kisses.

We love you so much Mylah, Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl!

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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...