Saturday, December 1, 2012

14 Months Old

Mylah is our precious petite little girl. We talk all the time about how small she is, and how we forget her age. Because we forget her age, we are always so amazed when she accomplishes something! It's the little things right?!

Today Mylah is 14 months old. Seriously?! 14 months?! I am so sad our baby girl is growing up, but at the same time, I am so proud of her and the many milestones she has reached.

Here's a little about our sweet girl at 14 months:

♥ She weighs 19 pounds 4 oz.

♥ She is 29 inches long.

♥ She wears size 3 diapers still, but we may switch soon. We've had some leaky incidents.

♥ She took her first steps this past week, but still prefers crawling.

♥ She screams ALL THE TIME. It's her way of asking for things, and as much as I push signing and telling her what things are, she still chooses to scream. It's deafening and highly annoying. Hopefully we can get her to talk more soon!
(Yes, she is screaming in this pic.)


♥ She points a lot and says Wow!

♥ She can say Hi (it's her word of choice), Da-da, Ma-Ma, Bawk-Bawk, and No.

♥ She can eat with a fork AND a spoon.

♥ She loves to drink water and milk.

♥ She's kind of a picky eater, but will eat fresh fruit anytime.

♥ She loves her blankie and diligently sucks her thumb.

♥ She has two bottom front teeth. two molars on top and one top front tooth coming in. (What child gets molars before their two front teeth?!!)

♥ She still loves animals.

♥ She is a busy little thing and is constantly into something. I am always cleaning up Mylah Messes, as I so lovingly call them.



 ♥ She can climb now and climbs onto anything she can swing her tiny leg up onto!


♥ Her hair is super duper long and I LOVE doing it different ways! She's actually patient and will watch a movie while I style it!


♥ She thinks picking her nose is hilarious (thanks to her brother!)


She continues to be healthy and is growing as she should. We are so proud of her. I still can't believe it's been 14 months since she came into this world. She has changed each of us in different ways, and every single moment with her is amazing. I love you Mylah Lei!


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