Friday, August 30, 2013

Cardiology Check Up!

Mylah had her Cardiologist check up today. She hasn't been back since February, so it was time. 

We made the two and a half hour trek to the city as a family. It's always a long drive, but today the kids were ansty and a little crazy! We survived somehow.

Upon arrival Mylah played and smiled and said Hi to everyone. I couldn't help but watch her and feel so tremendously grateful for her and her continued health. She is one amazing girl!

They took her back to weigh her and get her length. She started to get nervous but did pretty well. Then it was EKG time and I had to sit and hold her. She's at the age where she won't lay down for just any reason. She managed the "sticker" test with flying colors! 

We waited a few more minutes for Dr. Thomas and then took her back for her ECHO. She again became really nervous, but eventually laid down and let him scan her heart. It looked beautiful and is functioning well.

Dr. Thomas says that the gradient level in her pulmonary valve is about a 25% and that us a little higher than last time, but in the range he'd like. It's leaking more than before but that's to be expected, given the way it was patched in surgery. Other than that, her heart is functioning as it should and her O2 Saturations are at 98%. He doesn't want to see her for six more months.

We are grateful, blessed and I overwhelmed with love for our CHD Warrior. Her little heart continues to function and keep her alive and well. For that we are thankful!

We did a little shopping after the appointment, stopped by our old house to check it out, and then made the drive back home! The day was long, but a major success! 

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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...