Sunday, January 31, 2016

Heart Month

The posts here are few and far between, and I apologize for that. We have just been so blessed to see nothing but amazing progress in Mylah's health and growth. She has amazed us all with her continued healthy heart function. We are just so very thankful.

We are here in 2016 and I can hardly believe Mylah will celebrate her 4th Heart Day and her 5th Birthday! It all seems so surreal as I remember back to the day, the exact moment, the heart wrenching minutes after her diagnosis when I just knew we'd loose our baby and never have a chance to know her. How very wrong I was and how grateful I am she beat the odds.

With Heart Month starting tomorrow and CHD Awareness Week beginning shortly after that, I just wanted to post a little about Mylah and how she's doing. 

Mylah is now 4 years old. She wears 3T to 4T clothes and size 8 shoes. She loves her blankie and still sucks her thumb. She attends Preschool and loves it and is sooo very smart! She can write her name and she remembers and retains so much information! She can sing a song or recite a story her teacher shared the very same afternoon she heard them! She's spunky, silly, brave, determined, and sports an amazing thick set of gorgeous dark brown locks that I have to brush and do something with everyday! She's just so sweet and growing too fast! 

When she was smaller and younger Neil and I often discussed her ability to bring love into our home and how she shows others a way to love that we've never seen. She's so tender hearted and I know she's that way for a purpose. She was and there to teach us a deeper more meaningful way to love and live. She shows her tenderness mostly when watching movies. The Good Dinosaur is a great example. A couple of the scenes in the movie are deeply moving and she relayed to me multiple times, with tear filled eyes, her feelings of sadness and emotions. Most 4 year olds are not that receptive to emotions, yet she somehow feels a deeper connection to the Spirit and she's so in tune with our Heavenly Father and she is able to really feel moments like that.

As we begin our month long celebration of our amazing little girl and all things heart, we also keep close to our hearts and in our thoughts all those brave  Heart Warriors gone too soon. There are no words to describe how deeply those losses are felt in the Heart community and especially for me as a Heart Mom. Our thoughts and prayers of peace and comfort are with each family. 

It is my hope that as you begin to celebrate the month of love that you remember how truly blessed we all are to be able to have our loved ones here. Hold them close, cherish them, spend a few more minutes with them, learn from them, and most of all just love them

Happy Heart Month! 

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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...