Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4 months old

Mylah is four months old today! What a miracle that is.
She is healthy, happy, and thriving.
We pray for continued health for our heart baby.

Here are Mylah's four month stats:

♥ Mylah weighs 14lbs. 8oz. (95%)

♥ She is 24 1/2 inches long. (90% up from 75%)

♥ She loves to sit up, laying down doesn't do it for her anymore, she just complains about it.

♥ She also loves to stand with support from whoever is holding her. She has such strong legs!

♥ She has started grasping toys and objects and loves to sit on your lap and help you with anything your doing.

♥ She recognizes her name and will turn her head to look at you when you call her.

♥ She follows you with her eyes as you walk past her.

♥She smiles all the time, she is such a happy baby.

♥ She coos, laughs, and squeals like a Raptor (says her Daddy).

♥ She only fusses if she has to lay down, if she is hungry, or if she is tired.

♥ She still prefers her thumb over a pacifier.

♥ She has to be in her crib, in her room, with the music and fan going to take a good nap.

♥ She sleeps from 7p.m. to 5 a.m. every night.

♥ She loves her brother and sister and starts smiling and talking as soon as she sees them.

♥ She growls. Yes growls, like a tiger. It's hilarious and SOOO cute!

♥ She still has a bald spot and crazy Elvis hair. I. love. it.

♥ She is such a joy to our family and we wouldn't be complete without her.
We pray for strength as we know her second surgery/full repair will be in the near future. We are hoping we can wait a few more months, but we will see what the Cardiologist says at her appointment tomorrow!

Happy 4 Month Birthday Mylah Leilani!

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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...