Monday, August 13, 2012

Latest Developments

Mylah has been doing some amazing things lately, and I don't want to forget how special and precious these moments are to me. It's amazing to think that she had open heart surgery only 3 months ago and now is developing as she should and amazing us with her ability to learn and grow!

Here's a few of her latest developments:

She is working on crawling. She now gets on all fours and reaches for objects. She hasn't quite mastered the put-one-hand-in-front-of-the-other-and-simitaniously-move-the-knee thing, but she's getting there! She also is able to sit from a crawling position.


She also thinks she can pull herself up on things. She hasn't done it yet, but practices when she can. It begins like this:


And ends like this:


with a look of terror on her face. She tries and tries. I am thinking in a few weeks she will have it mastered!

Mylah also loves drinking from a straw. It is so much fun for her and she loves to open her mouth in your direction if you have a straw cup!



This last development came as a surprise to me, and just goes to show how smart our little sweet pea is. I handed her a baby brush to play with one morning while I did Rylee's hair. I looked over and she was brushing her hair with it!! Now she does it all the time! I couldn't believe that she knew what it was for!


This girl amazes me daily, I am so blessed to be her Mommy and love to watch her grow. Too many Heart Mamas don't get to cuddle, love on, and watch their babies progress and grow. I am grateful daily for her health and progression and treasure each milestone!


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Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...