Monday, June 25, 2012

Peek - A - Boo

Mylah is so advanced for her age. Maybe I am biased, but seriously, our girl is so smart!
Not she isn't crawling, no she doesn't have any teeth, but intellectually she has developed as she should.

Example, the other day, I sat her on the floor and laid her blanket on her lap. She immediately grabbed it, stuck it to her face and started playing Peek-a-boo! I snapped a few pictures and just smiled. For all this sweet girl has been through, she sure is happy!

We just love her and are so proud of all she has accomplished these last few months!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Lately my shop - The Mended Heart - has rolling forward, full steam ahead!! It's been a huge blessing and helps me to feel like I am accomplishing something towards spreading the word about Congenital Heart Defects.

To say I am obsessed at assuring that no family goes uninformed, would be an understatement. Anytime I hear of low O2 sats, or babies in the NICU on oxygen, my mind immediately wonders if that baby's doctor has checked it's heart. Now that I really think about it, I am probably scareing more people than helping them! I just wish someone had told me what to watch for during a twenty week anatomy scan. Now I tell everyone.

Anyway, the point of this post is to inform everyone that I am partnering with a wonderful group called Sisters by Heart. These ladies are AMAZING! Each mothering a child with a CHD, they have come together to lend support to families who's babies are diagnosed with a more severe CHD called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. HLHS is an abnormality in which the left side of the child's heart (left ventricle, aortic valve and aorta) is severely underdeveloped. Many of these sweet HLHS Heart Babies undergo a series of surgeries and some don't survive. As with any CHD diagnosis it is shocking, scary, and life changing. These ladies make the transition to Heart Parenthood easier.

Sisters by Heart

So how am I contributing? I am making kimonos/hospital gowns (found HERE in my shop!) for them to add to their care packages! I am so excited to help where I can, and to spread the word about The Mended Heart. Such a blessing! I will post again when I get a few done and show you the adorable fabric I bought! Until then, check out Sisters by Heart and donate if you can!

Friday, June 15, 2012


After Mylah's check up with her surgeon a few weeks ago, I decided it was time for her to finally sit in the tub and have a bath! Prior to check up, it wasn't sanitary for her to do so. Her scar wasn't quite healed and neither were her central line sites. We received the green light and bath time without the bath seat was a go!


Mylah loved every second of it! She barely looked up long enough for me to snap pictures!


During all her splashing I was able to actually wash her hair and body. We tried an Alfalfa look on for size:


And combed it to the side for a slick boy-ish do:


All in all, it was a successful bath!
In these sweet moments and wonderful milestones, I am so grateful for Mylah's health and that she continues to grow and thrive as she should!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Mylah isn't mobile yet. At her age, this is very unusual, but give her credit...she's survived two open heart surgeries! I don't expect her to be delayed for the rest of her life, but I do know that it will take a while for her to catch up. She's very advanced intellectually, so I don't really worry.

Because she isn't able to move, she gets frustrated easily. I was at my wits end as to what to do with her while I do housework and such. I finally decided that I would get an excersaucer. Luckily a friend of mine had one she just wanted to get rid of, so I took it off her hands!

Here is Mylah in her new toy:



She loved it and now I have a few minutes of free time to get things done during the day!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have been busily designing, creating, and crafting all things heart for my shop - The Mended Heart. The response has been unbelievable. I am so grateful. To get the word out I posted a link on a Facebook Page I just joined called, Heart Mamas. These ladies are amazing, unbelievable supportive and so sweet! We all understand each other, we all have experienced life with a Heart Baby and continue to do all we can to create awareness about Congenital Heart Defects.

In just one day since joining this Facebook group, I have found numerous blogs, posts, links and stories about heart babies and their fight to survive their broken hearts. A few have lost the battle. So tonight, I am asking for prayers. Pray for those families who have to say goodbye to their sweet children. Pray that they will find the strength to continue. Then go and hug your children a little tighter. Life is precious, and way to short. But I know that it isn't's see ya later! Because there is life after this, and our loved ones are not lost!

I am so grateful that our sweet Mylah continues to do well. I still fear for her every day, but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for our Heart Warrior. No matter what happens, I know this, she has changed me for the better and I am grateful for that.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Heart Moms

Tonight I find myself reading through the list of heart blogs here on Mylah's blog. I love to keep up with other Heart Families and read their stories and watch their sweet and strong Heart Warriors grow. It gives me hope, it gives me courage, it strengthens my soul.

During these past 9 months since Mylah's diagnosis (Sept. 1st 2011), I have lived without breathing. I have waited for the other shoe to drop. I have lived in fear of the worst, and suffered "anticipatory grief" as one Heart Mom states. I have come to realize that I am not alone, that there are hundreds upon thousands of Heart Moms who suffer the same fears and anxieties that I have. Who, like me, worry about their Heart Baby every. single. day.

In my readings, two posts touched me tonight, two that had me sitting in my office chair, shaking my head in heartfelt agreement, while trying to read through tear filled eyes. Thank you to Amy and Randi for putting into words what I could not, and still can't, but sharing the emotions and fears that each Heart Mom feels. You have inspired me tonight and comforted me. Here are their posts and a few excerpts that through their words, describe my feelings so well.

Amy's Post - Anticipatory Grief

Here is the excerpt from Amy's post of Anticipatory is EXACTLY how I felt the days and weeks before Mylah's second surgery: "I recently read a book written by a fellow heart mom about her journey with her son born with a complex heart condition. Although much of her experience was truthfully vastly different from my own, her discussion on anticipatory grief was dead on. Anticipatory grief refers to a grief reaction that occurs before an impending loss. The thing is, with heart moms, our loss isn't impending - it's hypothetical. It might happen. But it might not. Our kids might be gone tomorrow. Or they might live to be 100. But there is all kinds of grief wrapped up in just the thought that the loss might happen, that it is much more likely to happen with a child who has a congenital heart defect than a child with a healthy heart. But then I KNOW I should feel lucky that I still have Bodie and not let my mind get wrapped up in any grief - if it comes, it'll come soon enough. So then, I get to add a fun layer of guilt into the grief. It's truly impossible to explain to someone who hasn't walked this path. But trust me, to someone who has walked this path, it makes 100% perfect sense. You see sweet heart warriors become angels all the time around you. Why wouldn't/couldn't it happen to your child, to your family?"

I lived with that and still do at times - though not as severe, because she is repaired and doing so well - but I lived with this grief, everyday.

Thank you Amy for describing it and sharing your beautiful post. I will continue to pray for your sweet Bodie.

Onto Randi's post:

Randi's Post - Grieving for Those Parents

She stated, "I think about us then as if it wasn't really us. I grieve for those parents. I want to just hold them and tell them it's going to be alright. I think about those parents and want to take it all away. It's so... odd. I look back and remember going through the motions. I remember people asking me how I was handling it... they couldn't imagine what I was going through. At that time though, you just do it. There's no choice. I know I've said that before... but now we're at 9 months post surgery and wow, I am starting to not even be able to imagine how I did it. My heart aches for that mother... that mother that watched her child just bleed."

The highlighted red part I have said over and over. People would ask me how I did it, how I made it through. I just did it.

Thank you Randi for your post, my thoughts and feelings were the same.

In all of this reading I have come to realize one thing, we are all alike in our fears, we are all fighting for our children's lives, and that no matter what, we all know there was a reason why our sweet Heart Babies were sent to us. They have taught each of us Heart Moms something.

To Heart Moms reading this, thank you. Thank you for your strength, the lessons you teach, for sharing your thoughts and emotions for others to read, and for your ability to endure. Thank you for helping me heal and make it through one of the hardest trials in my life.

Love to you all,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

6 Weeks Post Op

Here we are, six weeks since one of the longest and hardest days of our lives...Mylah's full heart repair. That day we couldn't have imagined where we are, how well she's doing and the blessing of having her with us.

Mylah is doing so well. At her check up today she was saturating at 95%. She has gained one pound post op and is still 26 inches long. Her EKG looked good and her heart sounded great! No ECHO today because she had her last one three weeks ago.

Her incision site and chest look really good and are healing nicely.

After checking her out, Dr. Thomas said he didn't went to see her for two months!!! We are so happy!

We continue to recongnize the Lord's hand in our lives, and in hers. We are thankful to everyone who texts, calls, messages asking about her. We know all of you love her and are concerned for her. Thank you.

Now we get to enjoy the summer and continue to watch our sweet girl grow!

-Neil and Lara


Today was Mylah's second Cardiologist appointment post-op. She's doing really well so we knew everything would turn out ok. We were checked in, had her EKG done and then Mylah and I waited...

and we waited...

and waited.

We waited so long, Mylah fell asleep!

I am pretty sure they didn't mean to leave us there so long, but we had fun taking pictures to pass the time!

Doesn't she look so good? And her scar is really healing nicely. Dr. Thomas finally came in and checked her out and told us he didn't want to see her for two months! Ya-hoo! What a wonderful milestone. We are so grateful for her continued healing and good health.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Test Drivin' the Binky

Mylah is NOT a binky baby. We tried desperately while she was brand new and sitting in a hospital bed, to force the binky. She would suck for a bit, and then spit it out. Somehow in all the chaos that became her first weeks of life, she managed to find her thumb. And girlfriend is hooked!!

Because I am slightly controlling, and wanted to be able to someday take something away, I tried to get her to take it one today. She sucked on it for a second and then put it in and out of her mouth and then chewed on it! Binky test = FAIL.

Maybe someday she will decide she wants to use it. But for now, she loves her thumb!

8 Months Old

Today is Mylah's 8 month mark! What a crazy eight months its been!!!

Here are Mylah's 8 month stats:

- She weighs 15.5 lbs and is 26 inches long.

- She wears size 3 diapers.

- She wears 6-9 month clothes, they are kind of big on her though.

- She can sit up on her own really well and reaches for anything and everything in front of her.

- She isn't crawling or even had very much tummy time, we just worry about her chest.

- She can feed herself small snacks.

- She eats #2 baby food and loves most anything else.

- She loves to put anything she can find in her mouth.

- She still has no teeth.

- She sleeps on her back or side and still wakes up a lot. We are hoping this changes soon!

- She says Ma-Ma, Da-Da, and Na-Na. And she screams and squeals a lot.

- She is a growler and does a strange almost evil noise from the back of her's creepy!

- She loves to be outdoors.

- She likes cats and dogs and freaks out when she sees them! It's too funny!

- She still sucks her thumb.

- She dances by bouncing to music.

- She is now 5 weeks post op from her full heart repair and doing so well!!

We love her so much and feel lucky and blessed to have her here with us!
Happy 8 months Mylah!


Today Mylah had an MRI to map out what we will do in the near future for her heart health. Currently her left ventricle is slightly ...